Daily Devo

Love in Action

By: Lisa Hodgins
Monday, February 3, 2025

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Romans 12:9-21 describes what a spiritually healthy Christ follower (a disciple) looks like. Paul packs a lot of instructions in these few verses, but they are all principles we see throughout scripture. This list summarizes Paul's instructions:

  1. Our love must be sincere (no hypocrisy).
  2. Hate what is evil (not the person).
  3. Be kind, show affection (have brotherly love).
  4. Honor others above yourself (don't seek attention).
  5. Be diligent as you serve the Lord (serve wholeheartedly).
  6. Be fervent in spirit (aware of The Holy Spirit's work).
  7. Be joyful in hope (rejoice in all circumstances).
  8. Be patient in affliction (wait patiently for the Lord to act).
  9. Be faithful in prayer (pray often, even when it seems like they are unanswered).
  10. Share with people in need (be generous).
  11. Practice hospitality (welcome others into your home).
  12. Bless those who persecute you (forgive, and don't hold grudges).
  13. Rejoice when others rejoice. (share in the joy of others).
  14. Mourn with those who are mourning (show compassion to the hurting).
  15. Live in harmony (be a peacemaker, bring the peace).
  16. Don't be prideful (be humble; willing to do menial jobs).
  17. Don't be conceited (God says we're all equal).
  18. Don't repay evil with evil (leave revenge to God).
  19. Do what is right, let everyone see it (let others see Jesus in you).
  20. Don't let evil overcome you, overcome evil with good (with God).

Does this list seem overwhelming? It might, because in our own power, we can't do any of these things. But as our relationship with the Lord grows, The Holy Spirit changes us and empowers us. We must rely on God's power to resist our old sinful (selfish) nature and to love others like Jesus did. Don't focus on "doing" better, draw near to God and listen closely for His guidance. To live a life that pleases God, we'll need His help to do it!

Heaven is our reward, but a vital part of being a Christ follower is allowing God to use us for His purposes. One of the main ways He does that is by using us to reach others. When we follow Jesus (become His disciple), the things on this list get easier. But changing our old habits can be hard, so don't be afraid to ask The Holy Spirit for help.

Remember, the more we look like Jesus, the more people we'll draw to Christ!

Read: Romans 13:10, 13:14

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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