Daily Devo
Everything New
By: Mae Archila
Thursday, January 30, 2025
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19
One morning I was waiting for a traffic light to change, and I noticed a brand-new car beside me. I was impressed by its beautiful new design, its pristine appearance, and its shiny, gleaming paint. As the light turned green, I looked for an emblem that would identify who made it. Whether we acknowledge Him or not, God is the creator of all human life. But the moment we accepted Christ as our Savior, we became His new creation. At salvation, God made us new and pristine, shining brightly, designed to draw attention to our Creator.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Here, Paul urges us to forget the former things so we can grasp the new things God wants to bring into our lives. This process of changing us is for God's glory and our greater good. Part of becoming a new creation is being given a new direction for life. It includes getting our own personal guide for our journey, the Holy Spirit. That new car I saw will eventually be replaced by a new model, but our "new creation" warranty never wears out! We have a lifetime, eternal warranty granted and honored by our Creator, paid for by the precious blood of His Son!
When this year started, a friend sent me this New Year’s greeting: 5785. On the Hebrew calendar, this is year 5785. “5” is the number for blessings, “7” is the number for completion, and “8” is the number for new beginnings. Finally, “5” is at the end, signifying a double blessing for God’s people. Most of us aren't Jewish, but 2025 is a new year filled with new beginnings for all of us. By the way, our God is known as a God of new beginnings, so we must live expectantly, trusting that His plans for us are already in motion.
In Isaiah 43:19, when God says, "I am making a way..." it means He won't just provide a new path; He will guide us through its difficult portions. This year, be sure you ask God to give you His guidance, discernment, and direction. Then, ask Him to increase your faith so you can recognize and accept the “new things” He wants to bring you.
This year, pray for God to break strongholds, transform lives, soften hearts, and bring hope to the hopeless. Have faith, Christ follower; God is already doing a new thing!