
A disciple is someone dedicated to following Jesus together with other disciples. Discipleship then is the process of a believer coming alongside another believer to help them grow spiritually and develop their biblical foundation. Whether you're a new believer or have been one for some time, discipleship will help you discover who God created you to be and His purpose for your life.

Be Discipled

We offer beginning discipleship in two formats, one-on-one and a small group setting. Read about each one below to see which would best suit you as you seek to grow in your relationship with Christ.


Individual Discipleship

One-on-One discipleship is designed to connect you with a mature and growing Christ Follower to be your Discipleship Mentor. Personally discussing and applying biblical truths in a one-on-one setting maximizes the opportunity for spiritual growth and accountability. You will be directed to read sections of the Bible that relate to the week's topic, answer a few questions, and then meet with your mentor to discuss the truths you have studied. Click on the link below to fill out the interest form to begin the process of connecting you with a Discipleship Mentor.


Small Group Discipleship

God has uniquely designed you for a purpose, and our S.H.A.P.E. discipleship group helps you discover how He has equipped you to serve. Through exploring your Spiritual Gifts, Heart (passions), Abilities, Personality, and Experiences, you’ll gain clarity on how to use your God-given strengths to make an impact. Whether you’re new in your faith or looking for your next step, this group will guide you in finding fulfilling ways to serve in the body of Christ. S.H.A.P.E. groups meet regularly throughout the year.

Become a Mentor

Are you interested in becoming a Discipleship Mentor? One-on-One Discipleship is designed for new believers or anyone else who is serious about growing spiritually.

As a mentor, you will be paired with a disciple to help them grow in their understanding, knowledge, and commitment to the Lord. We will provide a ten-session interactive One-on-One Discipleship Guide for your disciple and a Mentor Guide that explains your role and responsibilities.

The first step to becoming a Discipleship Mentor is to complete a Volunteer Application.

Once your application is received and approved, you will be contacted by email with your next steps.

If you already have an application on file, email Steve to let him know you would like to be a Discipleship Mentor.