Daily Devo

Flashing Light Moments

By: Keefe Wilson
Saturday, January 4, 2025

So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. Hebrews 2:1 (NLT)

One day I was driving down the road, when out of nowhere, flashing lights from an unmarked police car filled my mirror. My heart raced, and questions flooded my mind—“Was I speeding?” When I pulled over, the officer confirmed my fears: I was speeding. After checking my license, he only gave me a warning. I was relieved, but I couldn’t shake the impact of those flashing lights. That warning was my wake-up call, and it forced me to pause, reflect, and change.

God often uses similar moments to grab our attention spiritually. As Christ-followers, we must recognize that God uses wake-up calls to redirect us— divine moments designed to warn us of danger or redirect us towards Him. These moments are God's way of saying, “Stop, listen, and realign with My will.” Obeying God's warnings helps us grow spiritually and keeps us from drifting away from His perfect plan for our lives.

In 2025, countless things will be competing for our attention—social media, the news, our jobs, family, and our own personal ambitions. Amidst the world's chaos, God is calling us to give Him our undivided attention. In scripture, we find many examples of God dramatically getting someone's attention. Moses and the burning bush is a great example. Moses was just minding his business when God got his attention with an amazing sight. It stopped him in his tracks, and that "flashing light" moment altered Moses' life. God still works like that! His call may be tender and subtle, like a verse that speaks directly to your heart or a gentle nudge as you pray. Other times, He may use a "flashing light" moment (unexpected challenges or difficulties) to disrupt our routine and redirect us back towards Him.

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

When Jonah ran from God’s calling, a storm and a giant fish became his wake-up call (Jonah 1-2). They weren’t God's punishment, they were acts of love—ways to steer Jonah back towards God’s plan, purpose, and will. God didn’t give up on Jonah, and He won't give up on us either! God loves us so much He wants to keep us aligned with His perfect plan. When God gets our attention in dramatic ways, it isn't punishment, it's to draw us closer to Him... the question is: Will you listen?

Amidst all the noise 2025 will likely bring, make sure you "tune in" to God, then let Him guide and transform your life!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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