Daily Devo
Carefully Consider Your Words
By: Lisa Boisvert
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Like apples of gold in settings of silver, Is a word spoken at the proper time. Proverbs 25:11 (NASB)
Do you allow words to simply fly out of your mouth in the heat of the moment, or do you carefully consider your words before speaking? Scripture warns us to carefully choose our words in every circumstance. When you use your words to make a point, don't verbally shred your listener. We may get momentary satisfaction from letting our words rip, but we make an enemy or needlessly hurt someone. If anyone uses their words to hurt you, try to understand the circumstances that may have provoked their response.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18
The first time I followed this biblical principle was when a man from work verbally abused me without cause. My flesh wanted to lash out and use hurtful things (that were true) to get even. Instead, I followed the principle from Proverbs 12:18. I calmly told my abuser that I forgave him for what he just said because I knew that he was hurting from losing someone close to him. To my shock, the man’s anger and hostility instantly vanished. He didn't apologize, but the change in my coworker's behavior made it clear that he knew his actions were wrong and he regretted his unjust tirade. This encounter taught me a very valuable lesson.
A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. Proverbs 15:1 (NLT)
Over the years, how often I have wished that I had heeded the Bible's wisdom instead of using my own. I wonder how many verbal altercations could have been avoided or diffused. Now, I regret the times I allowed my sharp tongue to hurt someone. It's much better to hold our tongues than to wish for a "do-over" later. When I started filtering my words through the lens of the Bible, it helped me avoid conflict and it spared the feelings of people that I now consider to be friends.
Christ followers have been forgiven many things, and we have all received mercy we didn't deserve. In 2025, be sure to consider your words carefully and temper them with God's grace.