Daily Devo

Salt of the Earth

By: Mae Archila
Monday, January 6, 2025

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Matthew 5:13

Salt is everywhere. It is used in so many products that it often goes unnoticed. Salt is essential for our health. We cook with it, and some of us add it to most of our food. In winter, many people spread it across snowy, icy roads for traction. That doesn't include an estimated 50 trillion tons of salt that God placed in the world's oceans. Jesus used salt as an illustration to communicate biblical principles to the people He taught because salt has qualities that are relevant to Christ followers.

1. Salt adds flavor. This is a powerful illustration of how Christians should spread the gospel throughout the world. We should enhance our surroundings, and "add flavor" to everything around us. But we must be an added blessing, (not added harshly or hastily) and as a contrast to the ways of the world. We do this in a positive way, being distinct and different.

2. Salt preserves. We are salted by God, preserved for an eternal life in heaven. On Earth, our beliefs, values, and actions symbolically show we have been preserved by God. People are watching, so set an example for others by living a life filled with God's righteousness. Remember, you were preserved for a reason, Jesus' death on the cross changed us into an acceptable gift for our Heavenly Father. Paul encourages us to; "give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him." Romans 12:1 (NLT)

3. Salt must stay pure. Our faith will be severely tested by the overwhelming problems of this world. But no matter what season we are in, we must never let the world dilute our faith. Blending with the world only diminishes what Christ did for us. God's Word calls us to stay pure at heart so we can demonstrate God's goodness. Staying pure keeps us from being spoiled by the distractions and values of the world. But part of being pure includes asking and allowing God to remove any impurities (anything that doesn't belong) within us. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8

Christ follower, be thankful that God has salted you and preserved you for everlasting life. But remember, being and staying “salty” isn't always easy. Stay faithful to your calling by staying pure and representing Christ to a hurting world. Don't ever lose (abandon) your saltiness, maintain it by protecting your faith and guarding your doctrine closely.

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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