Daily Devo

Stop Complaining

By: Keefe Wilson
Saturday, October 12, 2024

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “How long will these evil people continue to complain against me? I have heard their complaints and their griping. So tell them, ‘The Lord says that he will surely do all those things to you that you complained about. Numbers 14:26- 28 (ERV)

As a teenager, I complained about everything. One evening my mom told me and my brother to clean the table after dinner. I grumbled, not wanting to wash dishes and said, "that's a woman's job." My mom calmly said, "Finish eating, and don't worry about the dishes." I thought we were off the hook—until I suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of my head from mom's stainless-steel soup spoon! Then, she firmly said, "I told you to stop complaining. Now, get up and wash those dishes." That day, I learned complaining has consequences.

Do all things without complaining or arguments… Philippians 2:14 (NASB)

Christ followers must understand that when we complain, we're grumbling against God, and it has consequences. We all have something we could complain about—long lines, soaring prices, or politics. Our world even encourages it by surrounding us with negativity. But we're not of the world; Christians are called to be different. Despite knowing God's blessings, many Christians still choose to complain. Believers must recognize that complaining comes from a discontented, dissatisfied heart, one that questions what God is doing or what He allows.

In Numbers 14:26-30, when God sent twelve spies to explore the promised land, ten of them didn't trust His plan. They doubted God and started to grumble and complain. Because Israel lacked faith, God condemned them to wander in the wilderness for forty additional years. However, Joshua and Caleb trusted God, so they were allowed to enter! This story is a powerful reminder that complaining against God has serious consequences—then and now.

Complaining is to be expected on the news, in politics, and on social media, but it has no place in the life of a Christ follower. Complaining can easily become a habit, which traps us in a cycle of endless negativity. Complaining gives the devil a foothold, and it will distance us from God. It closes our eyes to the blessings we've received which allows ungratefulness to enter our hearts. When we complain, we are doubting that God is in control... Complaining weakens our faith and halts our spiritual growth. But God calls Christ followers to be different! When we choose to not complain, we are choosing to trust God completely. Let's show God we trust Him by embracing the joy and gratitude He provides.

Let others always see Christ in you, even in a world filled with negativity!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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