Daily Devo

Follow the Rules

By: Kim Garrett
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. Joshua 1:8 (NLT)

The NFL (National Football League) has a rulebook. Prior to each season, the official rules of the NFL season are made available to each team. This rulebook governs the players actions, and it spells out what is expected during the game. But each individual NFL team also has their own playbook. which contains the plays they will use each week. Only coaches and players are allowed to see the playbook, and it's critically important for the players to understand each play. When the players come on the football field to compete, each player is expected to contribute. Football is a team sport, but each player must do their part for their team to succeed.

God authored a rulebook for us that covers the "game of life" from start to finish. In it, He spells out the rules for a prosperous and successful life. His rulebook is available for both teams (Churches) and for individual players (us). God’s Word contains His rules, but God’s teams, (individual churches) create their own playbooks. A Church's "playbook" contains things like mission statements, discipleship tools, and spiritual training. The playbook maps out exactly how they plan to succeed using God's rules. The team playbook is designed to equip, disciple, and release individual players onto the playing field we call life. But each and every play we run must always adhere to God’s rulebook!

God's Holy Word contains His rules, and they are ALL non-negotiable. Unlike football, the players and coaches aren't allowed to modify the rules by voting on them. Instead of changing the rules, the Holy Spirit changes us! First, be sure to study and learn God's rulebook. Then, take a look at your team's playbook to better understand your Church's game plan. Remember, to "win" the game of life, we must always play by God's rules!

Read: Deuteronomy 11:26-28; Psalm 1:1-2

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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