Daily Devo

The Running Father

By: Lisa Hodgins
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Therefore, tell the people: This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Return to me,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 1:3

I recently listened to a podcast by Lisa Harper as she interviewed a bible teacher who studied extensively in Egypt and Israel. I was intrigued as she explained in Middle Eastern culture, the story we call the parable of the prodigal son is called "The parable of the running father" (Luke 15:11-24). That title may be more fitting for this story because it focuses on God character and redemptive love, rather than focusing on how a rebellious son's lust for the world led him away from his loving father.

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. James 4:8 (RSV)

Consider how Jesus is like the loving father in that story:

  1. Jesus welcomes us though we are undeserving (Luke 15:19).

If a son asked for his inheritance early, he would be cut off from the family. The son in our story recognized he could only go back as a servant; he didn’t deserve to be welcomed back as a son.

  1. Jesus bore the shame of the cross for us (Hebrews 12:2).

It was shameful for a man to show his legs in their culture. As the father lifted his garment to run, his legs were showing. He was willing to shame himself for his son.

  1. When we were baptized into Christ, we were clothed with Christ. (Galatians 3:27)

The father told his servants to bring the best robe to put on his son.

  1. Jesus is preparing a feast for us, His church (Revelation 19:7-9).

The father threw a party for his long-lost son.

I love that when God sees a humble repentant, heart, He will run towards that person and welcome them with loving arms. If you've never done that, humble yourself and run to your heavenly Father! Run to His outstretched arms and His free gift of eternal salvation!

Read: Isaiah 45:22, Acts 2:38

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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