Daily Devo

The Two Sides of Freedom

By: Kathie Welch
Friday, September 6, 2024

And forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. Luke 11:4 (NKJV)

The two sides of forgiveness:

Seeking forgiveness when we need to be forgiven. When we have wronged or hurt someone, we need to apologize and ask them for their forgiveness. We can't just assume because we are in relationship with them (friendship or family member), we don't need to admit our wrong and ask them for forgiveness. When we assume forgiveness (but don't ask for it) it burdens everyone affected. We can't always undo the harm we've caused, but we can help others heal by giving them the opportunity to forgive us.

But remember, even when we sincerely ask someone for forgiveness, they may not be willing to extend it. If it's withheld, we may need to ask God if there's anything else we can do to facilitate their forgiveness. If God shows us something, we must act on it. But if that doesn't bring about their forgiveness, we need to just let it go... Yes, we should still pray for them to let it go, but we can't allow their unforgiveness to become our stumbling block. When we are obedient to everything God has given us to do to "fix it", we need to trust Him to work it out.

After we've apologized and forgiveness is extended, we need to fully accept it and move on in the freedom it gives. Why? Because angst or regrets won't make us be “more forgiven.” God's Word says forgiveness sets us free, so be sure not to trip over those broken chains you've been freed from!

Granting forgiveness when someone who has hurt us asks for our forgiveness. We need to grant that request--and sooner rather than later. Our wounds may still seem raw, but we cannot allow unforgiveness to fester in our heart. Forgiveness can be hard, because we don't always “feel” like forgiving because the hurt is too great, and the injustice still lingers. Christ follower, God is not insensitive to that! So, don't try to forget about it, lay it down at Jesus' feet!

If any of those hurts resurface, give them to Jesus again. Pray with friends and family about them. Humbly ask God to help you let them go. Remember, forgiving is a command from the Lord. It's not a suggestion, and it's not optional. But be encouraged, when God commands us to do something, He enables us to do it!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. When we choose to forgive, we are choosing freedom!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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