Daily Devo
Fill Us Again
By: Wendy Sanders
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
The Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be filled with power. And you will be my messengers to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant provinces — even to the remotest places on earth! Acts 1:8
Have you ever wanted something for someone badly? You knew it would be good for them, but they didn't want it and didn’t see it as important. I'm going through a struggle like that right now... It’s hard. It’s very frustrating. I want to say to them, “Why can’t you see how much this would help you, guide you, and give you peace?” Yet they continually refuse, saying, “I'm not interested, that's not for me." I think this is how God feels when we choose not to ask for (and receive) the filling of the Holy Spirit after our salvation.
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26
The moment we accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit started living inside us. We were sealed with the Holy Spirit for an eternal life with Christ (2 Corinthians 1:22), and He became our Counselor. He is teaching us and guiding us to God's truth, helping us live holy, set apart for God’s glory. Yet at times, we don't allow the Holy Spirit to completely fulfill His role in our lives. We know the Holy Spirit teaches us, but He also wants to give us boldness and power. Not for our own gain, to proclaim the mighty name of Jesus to everyone around us.
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31
In Acts 4:31, the people following Jesus were filled (refilled) with the Holy Spirit after their salvation. I pray we would all ask God to fill us with His Spirit on a regular basis.
- Refilled, so we can speak about Jesus boldly.
- Refilled, to tell people how much God loves them.
- Refilled, to reignite our passion to pray for our lost friends and family.
- Refilled, to receive wisdom about a problem we're facing.
- Refilled, so we can listen to the correction God is gently giving us.
Lord, fill us with your Spirit today. Fill us so your glory may shine in us and through us. Lord, we praise your Holy Name!