Daily Devo
Playing With Fire
By: Keefe Wilson
Saturday, February 8, 2025
You can’t shovel fire into your lap without burning your clothes. Proverbs 6:27 (NIRV)
Fire is very powerful. It provides light, warmth, and energy, but it can also destroy everything in its path. When we were kids, my cousin loved to play with fire. He would even burn his plastic toys just to watch them melt. One time he set the family cat's tail on fire, causing it to run through the house spreading fire to each room. Before anyone knew it, their entire house was ablaze. They called the fire department, but it was already too late; the entire house burned down. It all happened because my cousin loved playing with fire!
Christ followers must realize that flirting with temptation is similar to playing with fire. Just as fire destroys everything in its path, toying with sin eventually leads to destruction. Proverbs 6:27 warns us that "playing with fire" will burn us. When we place ourselves in situations where temptation thrives, we will usually get burned. It might be engaging in questionable relationships, indulging in inappropriate entertainment, or harboring a secret habit.
Flirting with temptation will desensitize our hearts and keep us from sensing God's correction and conviction. When we are desensitized, it's easy to keep dancing around the flames. Next, we try to rationalize our sinful behavior by convincing ourselves we can control it. We tell ourselves: "Just this once" or "It's not a big deal." Like that fire at my cousin's house, sin doesn't stay contained, and it easily spreads. It will also cause pain, make us feel guilty, and separate us from God. Sin has the potential to destroy every area of our lives, even when we've convinced ourselves it's manageable.
Sometimes we are guilty of playing with fire without realizing it. For example, when we ignore the Holy Spirit's promptings (when He convicts us of wrongdoing), ignoring Him is like ignoring smoke before a fire erupts. Some people misuse God's grace, thinking it gives them a license to sin, "God will forgive me anyway." It's true God's grace is abundant, but it doesn't allow us to live carelessly (Romans 6:1-2). God's Word calls us to flee from sin, not entertain it! The Holy Spirit empowers us to choose holiness over compromise, and wisdom over recklessness.
Are you "playing around" with anything that could burn you? Do you have a secret sin, unhealthy habit, or a compromising situation? God is telling you to let it go! Take a bold step toward eliminating it by confessing to someone you trust. Then, set up boundaries and turn to God in prayer.
Make the right choice! Stop playing with fire before it consumes you!