Daily Devo

Join a Small Group

By: John Carrigan
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8

We are two weeks into a fresh New Year, but at CCM, many of our small groups are just getting started. Our God is a God of new beginnings, so I pray you realize God wants to do something new in our lives each day. God created us to know Him, and He is never far off when we seek Him. But He didn't create us to be alone. Whether we are married or single, God wants us to have friends and to fellowship with other believers.

God loves us so much He sent His Son to die for us. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection supernaturally reflect His light and love into our relationship with Him and others. Before He went to the cross, Jesus explicitly told His followers “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). But we can't love each other the way Jesus intended by going to a church building, we must be part of the living church. How? By stepping out of our comfort zone and as we spend time with other believers. The Love Jesus described is an action verb, not a catchy phrase. When Jesus said, "Love one another", He was calling us into action!

Many years ago, as a young Airman in a cross-cultural marriage stationed in Okinawa, I had my first experience with church people. Attending church wasn't on our radar, but when our marriage needed help, I thought the church would be a good place to find it. We visited a local English-speaking church, and everything seemed nice until the people started trying to become our close friends. When they started inviting us to potlucks and social events, I ran in the opposite direction!

Why did I run? Back then, I thought I needed more religion, not more relationships! I wasn't a born-again believer yet, so The Holy Spirit wasn't living in me or guiding my decisions. Now, I know when you truly love God, you’ll want to be in a relationship with Him, and you'll want to fellowship with His people. Back then, I wanted just enough God to get me through life's rough spots. I wasn't ready to go "all in" for Jesus and I didn't understand what becoming His disciple meant. Needless to say, trying to be more religious didn’t (and won't ever) work.

Being a Christ follower, means needing Jesus and needing each other. An important part of being a Christian is "doing life" with like-minded believers. Make big Church smaller by joining a small group this year!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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