Daily Devo

Avoiding Mudholes

By: Keefe Wilson
Saturday, November 2, 2024

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Romans 6:1-2 (NKJV)

As kids, we loved to explore the woods and find secret swimming holes. Our parents warned us that some of those holes could be dangerous, but we didn't always listen to their advice. One day, we found one that seemed so appealing... The water in it was deep enough to swim in (10-20 feet), but it was surrounded by a slick, steep mudbank. Jumping in was thrilling, but climbing out was tough—we had to slowly claw our way up the steep mudbank and be careful not to get stuck.

It was a lot of fun, so we jumped in over and over, laughing and splashing each other as we landed. But when it started raining, that steep mudbank got even more slippery. Before we knew it, it became dangerous, just like our parents said. Every time we tried to climb out, we just slid back into the dirty water; when we realized we were trapped, panic set in... We spent hours screaming for help and trying to climb out, but to no avail. Finally, some friends of ours found us. They were able to pull us out by using a branch from a nearby tree. We were filthy and traumatized but relieved we didn't drown in the slippery mudhole.

In a way, that mudhole is a lot like sin. It looks harmless from a distance and may seem intriguing, but if you "jump in" you'll get stuck! Before you realize it, you're covered in filth and filled with regrets. Sin is slippery and it always pulls us down. Sin also makes us ashamed, which causes us to distance ourselves from God.

Once you're down in a mudhole (of sin), it's hard to get out alone. As we struggle to get out, we just slide backwards. But Gad has good news! In His love and mercy, He reaches out with the branch of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1) and pulls us out of the mud. God's forgiveness cleanses us (1 John 1:9), and His Spirit helps us avoid falling in again. Staying out of the world's "mud" means recognizing and avoiding any thoughts or behaviors that don’t align with God’s Word. Staying alert and keeping away from mudholes helps us avoid temptation that leads us towards sin. Bible based vigilance is how we keep our feet on solid ground.

Remember to stay near God through prayer, the reading of His Word, and fellowship with other Christians. Keep your eyes on Jesus, He will help you walk right past the mudholes of life!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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