Daily Devo

My Story, His Story

By: Kim Garrett
Friday, July 26, 2024

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10 (NKJV)

I’ve led and followed, created and dismantled, taught and been taught. I’ve risen above many life challenges while also spending prolonged quiet times beside still waters (Psalm 23:2). I’ve accomplished all of this by keeping one main truth in sight: My life story ultimately belongs to my Heavenly Father. When Jesus came on scene, everything changed. In fact, through Jesus, my own life dramatically shifted direction. Through sanctification, I’ve been invited into enter into God’s narrative story. My story became part of His story, and it's all for His glory!

From Genesis to Revelation, God has written a beautiful narrative, the story of His authentic love. You and I are called and invited to play an integral role in His storyline. In fact, we’re uniquely designed and divinely equipped to participate as God draws humanity to Himself. It’s a story that declares the good news of God’s relentless love through the redemptive work of His Son, Jesus Christ. Daily, we are being transformed by God's Holy Spirit which prepares us to spend eternity with the Lover of our Soul.

Jesus came with one mission and one purpose; His time spent on earth represents something much bigger than what was seen by physical eyes. Every word, thought, action, and deed centered on His Father's will. God desired to seek, save, and restore the relationship between mankind and Himself, so every breath Jesus breathed had divine purpose. Nothing was wasted! Through the presence and power of God's Holy Spirit, Jesus remained on task, strategic, and focused. You and I are called to do no less. The same Holy Spirit residing in Jesus lives in us, and He is equipping us to fulfill our part in God’s redemptive story.

The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Isaiah 50:4 (NLT)

God gave us His Word; His Holy instruction manual which trains and equips us to participate in His story. In Jesus Christ, we have boldness… (Ephesians 3:12). Doors of opportunity are being divinely orchestrated for you and I to step through. Be bold, Christ follower! Your story can be used to initiate a conversation that may draw an unbelieving heart towards God. Remember, God entrusted you with His story so you would share it.

Our story isn’t really about us, it’s about God... Jesus' story is our story!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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