Meet Steve Slesinger: A Glimpse Into His Role as an Elder
Our elders serve a vital role in shepherding our church, each with a unique journey of how God led them to this calling. Today, we’re introducing Steve Slesinger. His story is one of faithful service, from volunteering in ministry to stepping into leadership. Read on to learn how he became an elder, his background in engineering, and what he loves most about serving in this role.
Q1: When did you become an elder?
A1: Shelly & I began attending Calvary in December of 2000. Pastor Mark was teaching the book of Galatians at the time. It seemed like God was speaking directly to me personally. I surrendered my life to Jesus on the fourth weekend, January 28, 2001, and never looked back. I helped with the altar counseling ministry and taught in the Bible college. I also helped teach on several Israel tours. I was asked to be an elder in 2009 and asked to join the staff in 2012.
Q2: How did you become an elder?
A2: Congregants kept coming up to me asking if I was an elder. I said, “No way – just a volunteer here.” One day, Pastor Mark stopped me and asked me to pray about being an elder. I wanted to make sure my wife was onboard with the call, so I asked Shelly, and she agreed. It’s been a joy serving in this capacity.
Q3: What do you do for a living outside of being an elder?
A3: My background is computer science and electrical engineering. For 37 years (before coming on staff), I was an engineering program manager. My jobs ranged from commercial automation for companies like Whirlpool and Calvin Klein to Top Secret Government projects.
Q4: What’s your favorite part of being an elder?
A4: My favorite thing about being an elder is people! I get to meet so many different kinds of people. We get to encourage them, pray with them, and baptize them.
Q5: What’s your least favorite part of being an elder?
A5: As an elder, we sometimes have to correct people or even confront them when their behavior is against the Word of God. I have no problem with this. But what is sad is when the person ignores godly counsel, does their own thing, and inevitably suffers (for example, family breakups, divorce, etc.).
Q6: Do you have a story of encouragement since becoming an elder?
A6: Sometimes we pray with someone, and the Lord miraculously heals them or delivers them—seeing God’s power and goodness happening today is amazing.
Q7: In your opinion, what is the purpose of an elder?
A7: The role of elders is discussed a lot in the New Testament. This includes:
- Setting an example for all
- Shepherding the flock
- Caring for the church
- Teaching and preaching sound doctrine
- Leading with vision
- Training and ordaining others
- Refuting and rebuking the insubordinate
- Keeping watch over the spiritual well-being of the church
- Serving with Christ-like humility
For a longer explanation, you may search for the teaching on “ church governance” in the Melbourne teaching archive.
Steve’s story is a beautiful example of how God uses willing hearts to serve His church. From his first encounter with the gospel at Calvary to years of faithful ministry, he has seen firsthand how God transforms lives. His passion for people, prayer, and discipleship shines through his work as an elder.
Want to meet more of our elders? Stay tuned as we share their stories in the coming months. You might even see them at a service—ready to greet you with a handshake, a prayer, or an invitation to know Jesus.