Daily Devo


This is Not a Drill!

By: Kathie Welch
Saturday, May 11, 2024

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Matthew 24:6-8

Lately, these words that Jesus spoke seem to take on a greater significance. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, wars, and the massacre of innocent people are all clear signs that the things Jesus talked about are already happening. The end is coming! It is more important than ever before that Christ followers are well-grounded in Biblical truths, not only for ourselves, but so we can give an answer to those who aren't following Christ.

Every day, we are bombarded with frightening news alerts, and we are seeing evil unleashed in ways we never thought possible. Satan, the great deceiver, is pulling out all stops to confound even the most devoted believer (Matthew 24:24). As fearful as that is, it is important to remember that the Satan's power is limited by God, and he has no authority over us.

Our need for wisdom, discernment, courage, endurance, direction, comfort, assurance, and peace is greater than at any time in our lives. All of these are promises God has woven into the Truth of His Word, and they are the hope we have in Christ. It is crucial that we have a daily time of uninterrupted fellowship with God spent in prayer and meditation, asking the Holy Spirit to fill us with boldness to speak God's truth whenever and wherever necessary. As Christ followers, we must be sensitive to the Spirit's leading, and obedient to His calling.

One of Satan's most effective deceptions is to make us think there is no urgency to share the Gospel. Though no man knows the hour nor the day of the Lord's coming (Matthew 24:36), the events Jesus foretold are rapidly unfolding. Seek God's will as you speak truth to people who need the hope found only in Him. Now is not the time to be timid about speaking God's truth! We may not see the immediate results we are hoping for, but God promises His Word always accomplishes His purposes! "...my word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.” Isaiah 55:11 (CSB)

Christ follower, the battle is real. This is not a drill!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.