Meet Mark Wolf: A Glimpse Into His Role as an Elder

Our elders are a vital part of our leadership team. To help you get to know them better, we’re sharing their journeys—how they became elders, what they do outside of church, and what fuels their calling. Today, we’re introducing Mark Wolf. Read on to hear his story and learn how he balances his role as an elder with his full-time career.

Q1: When did you become an elder?
A1: I became an elder in 2012.

Q2: How did you become an elder?
A2: I started attending Calvary Chapel Melbourne in 2002, and the Lord told me to sit under His Word for a year before serving in ministry. After that year, I began serving in Guest Services and eventually led the ministry. When the Sanctuary was built, I enjoyed putting together the Guest Services team for the new space.

During that time, I met my wife, Amy. We were both 43 and had never been married. I stepped away from leadership to focus on our new life together. About a year later, the church asked me to develop and lead the Security Ministry, which I did for two years. Pastor Mark then asked Amy and me to pray about me becoming an elder. At first, I didn’t feel it was for me, but two years later, when he asked again, I felt a peace about stepping into this role.

Q3: What do you do for a living outside of being an elder?
A3: My parents and I started Sun Clean Dry Cleaners 41 years ago. They retired in 2000, and I now run six locations with about 43 employees. We've always tried to be a light in the marketplace.

Q4: What’s your favorite part of being an elder?
A4: My favorite thing is seeing Jesus move in people's lives—praying with and for them, and baptizing them both in water and in the Spirit.

Q5: What’s your least favorite part of being an elder?
A5: Seeing people follow a man when corrected instead of following Jesus.

Q6: Do you have a story of encouragement since becoming an elder?
A6: Over the last 13 years, I’ve seen the faithfulness of God work out some very difficult situations. This has strengthened my faith and trust in Him. No matter what challenges arise, I know this: It’s God’s church, and the gates of hell will not prevail.

Q7: In your opinion, what is the purpose of an elder?
A7: The Bible clearly defines the role of elders in the New Testament. Elders support and hold accountable the Senior Pastor, working together as a team. We discern the spiritual condition of each campus, ensure the teaching of God’s Word, and support campus pastors. We also provide oversight in vision, finances, and spiritual growth.


Mark’s story is a testament to God’s faithfulness and the importance of servant leadership. His journey as an elder reflects the heart of our leadership: a commitment to serve, support, and follow God’s direction.

Want to meet more of our elders? Stay tuned as we share their stories in the coming months. You might even see them at a service—ready to greet you with a handshake, a prayer, or an invitation to know Jesus.