Meet John Carrigan: A Glimpse Into His Role as an Elder

Our elders are a vital part of our leadership team. To help you get to know them better, we’re sharing their journeys—how they became elders, what they do outside of church, and what fuels their calling. Today, we’re introducing John Carrigan. Read on to hear his story and learn how he balances his role as an elder with his full-time career.

Q1: When did you become an elder?
A1: I became an elder in 2017, and my family has been part of Calvary Chapel Melbourne since 2004.

Q2: How did you become an elder?
A2: My wife, Julie, and I had been actively involved in ministry for several years—leading Home Groups, serving in the Asian Ministry, and helping with guest services across the Melbourne, Viera, and East Orlando campuses. In addition, I completed CCM Bible College and the School of Ministry.

One day, Pastor Mark asked to meet with me. I wasn’t sure what it was about, and I started running through possible church issues in my mind—because where there are people, there are problems! But I also knew that "where there are people, there are problems, but there are always great rewards!" To my surprise, he asked me to pray about becoming an elder. My first thought was that I wasn’t qualified, but God gently reminded me: He goes before us, and He qualifies those He calls.

Q3: What do you do for a living outside of being an elder?
A3: I work full-time as a government civilian for the U.S. Space Force at Patrick Space Force Base, where I handle communications. I’ve been there for 20 years after serving 21 years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force.

Q4: What’s your favorite part of being an elder?
A4: Seeing lives transformed! There’s nothing more rewarding than witnessing people accept Jesus and grow in their faith. I love knowing that, in some small way, I get to be part of the incredible work God is doing in our church and community.

Q5: What’s your least favorite part of being an elder?
A5: It’s heartbreaking to see people struggling but unwilling to accept biblical counsel that could help them and those around them. Pride is one of Satan’s greatest tools—he uses it to keep people from life-giving truth and the joy of the Lord. My encouragement to anyone going through a hard time is this: Stay the course. Trust in God. He is faithful even when we are not, and He will see you through if you lean on Him and follow His Word.

Q6: Do you have a story of encouragement since becoming an elder?
A6: One of the greatest testimonies I’ve seen is God’s faithfulness to our church and His people. A few years ago, we faced a difficult season when our senior pastor needed to transition out of leadership. It was painful, but the Holy Spirit made it clear that it was necessary. Unfortunately, this pastor was unwilling to accept God’s direction, so the elders had to step in and make a tough decision.

During that time, God spoke to me through His Word, giving me the strength to do what needed to be done. My wife and I lost friends over it, but we gained something far more valuable—a deeper dependence on God. He alone is our source of life, and He never lets us down.

Q7: In your opinion, what is the purpose of an elder?
A7: The New Testament clearly establishes elders as part of church leadership. I believe the best model is a board of elders serving under the leadership and spiritual authority of the Senior Pastor, all yielding to the Holy Spirit.

In practical ways, elders engage with the congregation and support pastors in ministry. When big decisions arise, elders pray, discuss, and provide recommendations. There’s a spirit of cooperation between pastors, elders, staff, volunteers, and congregants, but ultimately, there must be a head to the body—Jesus, the Chief Shepherd. The Senior Pastor (who is also an elder) leads under Christ’s authority, with the elders serving alongside him.

When conflicts arise, elders offer guidance and work toward resolution. Our goal is to keep the church spiritually strong, biblically grounded, and unified in Christ.


John’s story is a powerful reminder that God doesn’t call the qualified—He qualifies the called. His journey as an elder reflects the heart of our leadership: a commitment to serve, support, and follow God’s direction, no matter how difficult the road.

Want to meet more of our elders? Stay tuned as we share their stories in the coming months. You might even see them at a service—ready to greet you with a handshake, a prayer, or an invitation to know Jesus.