Daily Devo

Keep to the List

By: Tifani Gordon
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. 1 Chronicles 16:23-24 (NLT)

Every week I make a grocery list and every week I am on the same mission when I get to the market. I want to make sure I get everything on my list and nothing that is not. Sometimes that is an easy task and sometimes it proves to be a little more challenging. The weeks my husband comes along I usually end up with a few extra items and the weeks that the market is busy I leave items behind I can do without so I can finish as quickly as possible. In either case, something that I did not plan happens... But those decisions have consequences; when my husband grabs extra stuff, we go a little over our budget, and when I leave something behind, I usually end up making a mid-week trip back to the store.

Every day of our lives we are on some type of mission. We are on a mission at work. We are on a mission at school. We are on a mission at the gym. We are on a mission at home. We are even on a mission at church. Well, God is on a mission too! His primary mission is to reach us, teach us, and to guide us through life. But God has another mission, which is to call us. He calls us to draw closer to Him, to serve Him, and to tell others about Him.

Each of our missions are different, but all His plans are good. God makes a list and has a specific plan for us, like how I make a list and have a plan each week at the market. He created each of us in His image and with His purpose. Christ follower, God has a plan for you because He loves you! Even when we divert from His plans, He will call us to get back on track. But remember, there are no inconveniences or accidents with God. He can even use those moments when we're off track to teach us to trust Him completely.

Glorify God each day as you live out the mission He has called you to!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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